Tooth Model With Milk Pour

Why You Should Have No Dairy After the Dental Implant Surgery

If you’re looking forward to getting dental implants or have recently gotten dental implants, then congratulations! Getting implants can be a wonderful, exciting time and help you have a lasting smile! It’s essential that during this time, you follow the instructions provided by your dentist or oral surgeon to ensure that you have a smooth healing process. However, one piece of information you should already know is that you should avoid dairy products.

Why Should You Avoid Dairy Products After Implant Surgery?

Feeling uncomfortable with your smile is perfectly normal, and getting dental implants can be a fantastic way to improve your smile and overall health. After your implant surgery, you may feel signs of discomfort and pain during the first few days of healing. It’s recommended that you should take the time to relax and recover from your surgery, using prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers. Making the time to ensure that you heal is very important, as it can help improve your surgery’s overall success. It’s also essential to eat soft foods during the first few days to help reduce the risk of damage to your surgical site and allow the site to develop blood clots. For a quick guide on what not to eat, here are some foods you should avoid: 

  • Chewy and tough foods, including red meat and raw vegetables.
  • Sticky food, including candy, toffee, caramel apples, and chewing gum. 
  • Crunchy or sharp foods such as popcorn, chips, and nachos
  • Spicy foods such as curry, chilies, and salsa are common foods to avoid.
  • Acidic foods such as oranges, lemons, and tomatoes.
  • Extremely hot food and drinks such as coffee or tea.

While these restrictions are temporary, one such food that you shouldn’t have is any dairy products. While it is a great source of protein and calcium, dairy is known to cause an inflammatory response throughout the tissues. Any inflammation can impact how your mouth heals during surgery and cause issues with implant placement and impact the osseointegration process. Dairy also can trigger nausea and vomiting in some people, similar to those with severe lactose intolerance. When this occurs, nausea and vomiting can cause the stomach acids to damage the enamel over time, which can be especially painful for a healing site. 

If you’re looking forward to your new implants, avoid dairy products in the days after your surgery is complete. If you’re looking for a speedy way to recover and make the most of your implant surgery, then eat plenty of protein! During your first few days of eating soft foods, good protein sources such as protein powder to your meals and smoothies. This is because protein works to help repair tissues, fight off infections, and manage your energy levels while you’re healing. 

Get In Touch With St. Clair Dental PLLC For Implant Care Tips and More! 

At St. Clair Dental PLLC, Dr. Maureen Karl and her team will be able to provide you with excellent quality dental care. If you are searching for dental care throughout the Granbury, TX area and require a consultation for implants, seek out St. Clair Dental by calling (817) 910-2880 today. 

Maureen Karl, DDS, FAGD
As a graduate of the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in 2004, Dr. Maureen Karl continues to hone her craft through continuing education. Dental patients throughout the Granbury, TX area know they can rely on our practice for skilled dental care using the latest practices.