One growing approach to dentistry is known as conservative dentistry. This new approach focuses on using minimally invasive treatment methods. These procedures ensure that you retain as much healthy tissue as possible throughout your treatment. General dentistry covers a broad range of treatments, including restoration and cosmetic care. Throughout the years, there have been innovations in these procedures that were fairly invasive. The tools used were unable to reduce the collateral damage inflicted on healthy tissue. Modern approaches have provided a greater range of options, including minimally invasive treatments.
Conservative Treatments Used In General Dentistry
Potentially one of the most important introductions to the field of dentistry is the dental laser. The dental laser has proven capable of improving the care provided by a significant margin. It provides a level of precision that’s unprecedented in previous tools of its type. Further, it’s incredibly versatile and able to replace many standard dental tools that were previously a treatment standard. Below we’re going to cover a few approaches that the dental laser has changed in general dentistry to provide more conservative options:
- No More Rotary Drills – The traditional drills used in dentistry were pneumatic (air-powered) rotary (spinning) drills. Their characteristic high-pitched whine made them an unpleasant experience for many patients. Further, they generally required the removal of healthy tissue to eliminate problems like decay. The dental laser can be used as a replacement for the drill. Its precise targeting ability means dentists can retain more healthy tissue while completely eliminating decay.
- Reduced Need For Scalpels – Some forms of treatment require the use of a traditional steel scalpel, such as gum contouring. Dental lasers can remove decayed tissue and cauterize the wound closed immediately. This reduces the need for anesthesia and speeds recovery times as well.
- Better Dental Whitening – Another common use for dental lasers is to boost the effectiveness of whitening treatments. Certain whitening treatments respond to the application of laser light by working more efficiently and producing better results. These procedures are entirely non-invasive but can vastly improve the appearance of the teeth.
These are just an introduction to how the laser dental drill has vastly improved conservative approaches in general dentistry. However, other conservative approaches don’t include the use of the dental laser. Clear aligners are an orthodontic appliance that doesn’t require brackets or wires. Instead, the treatment is accomplished with a removal orthodontic tray that slowly adjusts your teeth.
Speak To Your Dentist For Other Conservative Dental Options
An increasing number of dental offices are providing a growing range of conservative dental treatments. When possible, they will defer to these treatments to ensure the preservation of healthy dental tissue. The purpose of general dentistry is to maintain your teeth and improve your overall oral health. Conservative dental approaches go a long way to accomplishing this goal. Reach out for a consultation with your dentist today!